Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Shortcuts to your Favorite Programs

This one will be a little long, but it shows the power of what you can do with these hacks. So, I am posting it soon. The instructions here are to add a "My Programs" tab to the home screen. It enables an user to add a set of frequently used programs to the home screen.


Here are some images that I have used in this tutorial - Download!


1. Connect your Shadow to the PC. Download the images in the attachment and place them in \Windows on your Shadow. You can use the Explore feature in ActiveSync to do this.

2. Start CeRegistryEditor. Press F1 to load the registry. Perform a backup of the registry (just in case). You can do this by pressing F2 and following the instructions. Also, unlock the registry by doing Tools > Unlock Registry.

3. Create the key CProgs in HKLM/Software/Microsoft/CHome.

4. In HKLM/Software/Microsoft/ click on CHome. Notice the Plugins string value. Append CProgs to the data value of Plugins. I have it as- Plugins = CClock;CHome;CMessage;CAppointments;CMusic;CMyPhotos;CProgs;Settings

The order of these items determine the order of the tabs on the home screen. So, change it if you want to.

5. Click on HKLM/Software/Microsoft/CHome/CProgs. Create a new string value entry as-
Name = GUID
Type = REG_SZ
Data = {C5A51777-B837-447d-8947-FAF3FF9D570B}

6. Create the key CProgs in HKLM/Security/cHome .

7. Create the key Page1 in HKLM/Security/cHome/CProgs .

8. Click on HKLM/Security/cHome/CProgs/Page1. We now need to create the following string value (REG_SZ) entries.


ACTIONURL = path to the program that runs when the CENTER SELECT key is pressed
GUID = {2F710F22-9F19-43fa-8F35-9927D246B078}
PICTURES = path to image that appears...see above image
SK2TEXT = text for right SOFT key....see above image
SK2URL = what happens when right SOFT key is pressed
TEXT1 = text on screen...see above image
TEXT2 = text on screen...see above image
TITLETEXT = text on screen...see above image

Just for a walkthrough, here is what I have for the Word Program in these entries.

ACTIONURL = \windows\pword.exe
GUID = {2F710F22-9F19-43fa-8F35-9927D246B078}
PICTURES = \windows\CHome_MyProgs_Word.png
SK2URL = \windows\pword.exe; \My Documents\Templates\New Word Document.doc

I created an empty word doc and placed it there.

TEXT1 = Word Mobile
TEXT2 = Edit Word Documents
TITLETEXT = My Programs

9. For more programs, create a Page2, Page3...and so on, and follow the instructions on Step 8. I have 3 programs, so I have Page1, Page2 and Page3.

10. Click on HKLM/Security/cHome/CProgs and create the following string value (REG_SZ) entries.
GUID = {C5A51777-B837-447d-8947-FAF3FF9D570B}
ICONPATHS = \CHome_MyProgs_sat_active.png;\CHome_MyProgs_sat_active.png;\CHome_MyProgs_desat_inactive.png
LocName = Internet
Pages = Page1;Page2;Page3

The order in which you place the Pages will be the order in which the programs shall appear.

11. The changes are saved to the registry on the Shadow as you make changes. To see the changes on the home screen, change it to something else (let the change take place) and then change it back to the T-Mobile Default.

If all went all, you should now have your favorite programs on the home screen. For the images, the Vista Icon packs are great...resize them to 150X150 and it shows up well. If you got it right, then perhaps it is not difficult to see that "My Programs" is not the only thing you can do with this process.


Unknown said...

I followed your directions word for word. I even tried it a couple times because I thought I may have missed something.

I'm using the same editor, but when I finish all the changes, the "My Programs" shortcut still does not appear on the Neo Interface, even after changing the homescreen settings. I tried moving around the order of the icons, switching the photo icon in front of the music icon and placing the CProgs icon in different places. The other changes take place; however, I still don't get a "My Programs" icon.

Maybe it's just my phone, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Rinku said...

To begin with, did you use the same images as I did....specially the ones in Step 10?

Unknown said...

Yes. Actually, for the most part, I copied and pasted your value data directly from the instructions to the registry editor.

Rinku said...

Hmm..!! I am assuming that you do have those images placed in the Windows folder of your phone. If you can show me an export of the following two keys, I can take a look.


Unknown said...

Okay. I exported them to files. How do I send that to you?

wjmay said...

Forget the stuff in the security tree. place all of the keys in the CProgs under Microsoft/CHome. It worked for me. What I did was I exported the Settings Key into a file, renamed settings to CProgs and imported it back into my registry. Then I modified it one by one. Worked great!

Rinku said...

wjmay, what GUIDS did you use? Did you keep the ones from Settings...I thought that would add unwanted information from the application associated with the GUID to the TEXT2 field. Otherwise, yes!! you can as well make a duplicate of the Security key. Just for some extra information, did you try adding more than 6 programs to CProg using your method?

wjmay said...

I used the GUIDs from the CLinks Key. I have only added 2 applications. Remember that the Text1 and Text2 fields are a must. I found it showing battery information in the Text2 field until I added it and gave it a value of a "space".

wjmay said...

As a side note, if anybody wants to use a skype application, I found that the one from Skype does not work properly, and the sounds come from the speakerphone. An application I would suggest is iSkoot. It calls a number the sends the Skype data. I have the number on my MyFaves so I dont pay when that number is called.
Also, use the latest version of iSkoot, the previous version crashed the Shadow at the end of a call.

I started Mobile Development, so maybe you will see some good apps from me soon. I guess once I completely figure out how to add programs without issues to the NEO interface, i could work on an app to make it easy for people.

Anonymous said...

Well i tried what you did in the tutorial. an followed the instructions and everything.
maybe what this other guy said above work. is there a way that you cna possible edo this post and show the manner that wjmay did so it can also work for the rest of us? please it'll be of great help! thank you!

wjmay said...

I am currently working on a little application to make all of this easy.

And yes, you need a unique GUID. I found a way to generate one, so bear with me for a little while, while I develop and test this application.

Rinku said...


There is not much difference in how wjmay did it and what the tutorial says. Remember, do not leave out a key even if you are not using it...just type in a blank for the value if required. I am willing to sort out the problem with you. Otherwise, visit and you will find cab installers for doing these things.


I am glad to see you getting into Mobile Development. I hope to hear about some great apps soon. About the GUIDs - as far as my understanding goes, the Neo plugin has a list of GUID-to-app mappings coded into it. Just using a GUID from a generator would perhaps not work. This is just my theory. Please do let me know if you can make it work somehow, coz there are a whole bunch of things you can do if you can bypass GUID verification. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I dont think you need a unique GUID. Although, It is true, everything must have a value, and it must be correct. For example, if the ICONPATHS points to a picture that does not exist, the "CProgs" group will not be rendered, at all.

Another thing, my little application can already disable and enable the clock, change the home page, and add a new group to the Neo menu. I am working on a browse option to find the file to start, and also for the icon to show.

Hope to have it done soon ... darn friends are distracting me too much, or is it the beer. Anyway...

Anonymous said...

So I killed my Neo today. Thats what happens when you mess with the registry too much. Good thing I have a backup.

On a better note, my application is getting there. I officially call it "Neo Manager". See the Screen Shots.

wjmay said...

Oh, feel free to send me any comments or suggestions.

Unknown said...

thanks for the great help. great info. but when i hit new to open a document i geyt an error ocurred. the document could not be opened

Rinku said...


Do you have the empty document already created and placed at the right place?

Unknown said...

got it thanks. where can i get the icon for exxel. i like to do the same with the rest of office programs, thanks

Rinku said...

Look for the Windows Vista Icon Pack for Office!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi rinku,
your tips are great, one quick question on action url, I wanted a shortcut to espn I typed :MSPIE; but does not work what am my doing wrong? also what does :MSPIE; refer to? thanks

Rinku said...

Try "MSPIE;" without the quotes.

:MSPIE refer to \windows\iexplore.exe - The Internet Explorer. You can take a look at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\ to know more about these references.

Anonymous said...

No luck, I tried MSPIE; but no luck, also tried :MSPIE;
no luck there
any help will be appreciated

Rinku said...

How about a space between :MSPIE; and

Anonymous said...

Hi Rinku,
is there is a way to have a shlort cut to the game file on

Rinku said...


Could you give me an example? Usually you can write the shortcut as

"path to the program"; "path to a file that the program can open"

Ideally, you can have a shortcut to any .exe program. Further, if the program can take arguments (for example a web address for IE) then you can specify it after the semicolon.

Anonymous said...

how do i change my neo icons?

i have seen some cool ones but just cant seem to figure it out...

help plz!!!

Anonymous said...


this tutorial is sweet.

do you know the command for texting? trying to change the right soft key in FR's photo dialer to text, not "home phone."

thanks much,

Rinku said...

To change the icons you just need to replace the appropriate file. Or else, just put the path to the image file you have in the PICTURES entry.

Rinku said...

If you are using Freddy's dialer, then I suppose you got VJDialer in place?? I am not sure if VJDialer supports will have to look into its documentation. Unfortunately, I do not use it!

Rinku said...

Freddy posted an update at that does it!! Check it out

Anonymous said...


just saw that freddy put it together (works great, btw!)...thanks for responding.


Anonymous said...

this worked great!

Can this be used as a phone book??? Meaning instead of links to apps or websites can you call someone.. I don't have Myfavs so this would work well for me.

Thanks for all your hard work!

Rinku said...

I would suggest you try enabling the MyFaves interface. You do not need to have MyFaves to use the interface. If you do not like the interface, then I would say check out the Dialer at Freddy's website. You do need a dialer application to make it happen and Freddy has the necessary files provided there.