Thursday, January 3, 2008

Removing Contacts from Home Screen

If you do not want your Contacts to map on to the Right SOFT key on the home screen (when the clock in showing), then there is small hack that lets you map it to anything else you want.

Goto HKLM/Software/Microsoft/CHome and click on CClock. Note the SK2TEXT and SK2URL string value entries. Change the data value of SK2TEXT to whatever you want to appear in place of "Contacts" and change the data value of SK2URL to the path of the application you want to open when the right SOFT key is pressed.

For example, setting SK2TEXT = Task Manager and SK2URL=\windows\tasks.exe will show "Task Manager" in place of "Contacts" and will open it when the right SOFT key is pressed.

By the way, its a good customization to do because you often feel the need to open the Task Manager. Besides, the contacts can always be reached via the call button.


Anonymous said...

Rinku said:{For example, setting SK2TEXT = Task Manager and SK2URL=\windows\tasks.exe will show "Task Manager" in place of "Contacts" and will open it when the right SOFT key is pressed.}

Using the registry edit above, can i put in the url to the WindowsMediaPlayer already installed on the phone in for a quick shortcut from the Home menu, and if so what file can i use to do that, i did not see an .exe file for \my music or the media player??

A little help would be nice

Rinku said...

WMP is in \Windows\wmplayer.exe . Set SK2URL for that. Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

thats what im looking for i just couldnt find it in the registry.

Thank you trying it right now!!

Anonymous said...

worked like a charm!! Thanks for real!!

Anonymous said...

did the eidt!
nothing happened?